Here at ACM we are pleased to supply instruments for the measurement of electrochemical reactions. Electrochemist's tests have developed over many years, with many variations of pulsed and cyclic tests. Our background at ACM (which stands for Applied Corrosion Monitoring) is physics and corrosion science. We have learnt from our Electrochemist customers exactly what is required, and developed the tests to their requirements. The basis of all good electrochemical testing is a potentiostat, fast and stable with good screening. Armed with our extensive knowledge of potentiostat control we have been able to build electrochemical instruments to fit every requirement.
Standard DC tests, cycled, static and pulsed, both under potentiostatic and galvanostatic control are all available. AC impedance is included for any Electrochemist wishing to try this wonderful tool. The current capabilities (up to 10 Amps) of our instruments make them ideal for testing non aqueous electrolytes such as molten salts, where AC has proved to be a useful technique. It is ACM's flexibility in manufacturing that has won us many Electrochemical friends. If you need a bipotentiostat with three current to voltage converters for an exotic experiment we will build it to the same high standards as our standard products. For example, we constructed a scratch rig for a customer to study repassivation electrodics of a passive metal. Only ACM was able to do this at a reasonable price and we won the order.
Our standard products for Electrochemical Testing are as follows:
- The Gill AC is a single channel instrument complete with DC and AC tests. This single channel instrument is an automated Potentiostat, Galvanostat and Zero Resistance Ammeter with integral Frequency Response Analyser and Sweep Generator in one neat enclosure. Allowing electrochemistry techniques such as EIS, LPR and current and voltage noise. This is the best choice for many labs with normal testing requirements. If AC is not required then a substantial discount is available. The Gill AC is very popular with universities, especially with our Special University Discount!
- The Gill 8 or Gill 12 is the preferred instrument for laboratories with plenty of testing to be performed. The eight sequential channels are programmed by way of our simple sequencing software, building up a test regime from an array of standard tests. Both fast and accurate the robust Gill 8 will give decades of service to the electrochemical laboratory. It come complete with our manual instrument front panel emulator for the traditional experimental chemist.
- A Fempto Amp (was called Paint Buffer) is a very sensitive potentiostat and current to voltage converter, designed in a small shielded case to sit near an electrochemical cell. It's purpose is to extend the current measuring range of a standard Gill AC down to very low levels (pA's) whilst not requiring the purchase of a separate instrument.
- The Parallel Gill AC is a collection of 2 to 32 Gill ACs designed to offer simultaneous measurement of from all channels. Set up via a single Sequencer all tests may be different and all channels may be started at different times. Ideal for use in situations where time is of the essence. Parallel Gill ACs also allow the coupling and monitoring of several working electrodes. Our latest software allows seamless integration of several instruments, not only Gill ACs, but Gill 8/12's and Field machines.
- The Bi-Stat is a new variety of the parallel instrument as described above. Two Gill ACs in a single unit not only give the ability for fast Cyclic Voltammetry, but also allows coupling three working electrodes and measuring from two.
- The Speedy 9 is a new variety of the parallel instrument described above. An additional digital sweep generator allows very rapid Cyclic Voltammetry to be performed on all 9 channels simultaneously. This was developed for testing living cells, where any delay resulted in testing dead cells. The redox reactions highlighted by the C-V sweep quickly helped diagnosis of the patient. The instrument is perfect for quality control laboratories.
- The Field Machine is not the obvious choice for an Electrochemist, but for some consultant scientists there is a vital need for a portable laboratory, able to perform tests in the field and away from home. The Field Machine has all the test capabilities of a Gill 8 but equipped in a very robust waterproof carry case that protects both electronics and lap-top PC. Using the powerful built-in battery there is no need for a mains supply but, if running off the mains, the battery instantly takes over if the supply should fail, acting as an inbuilt UPS.
Here at ACM we don't just make clever computer controlled instruments. We make a full range of Manual Instruments such as our Research Potentiostat, our Sweep Generator and our Zero Resistance Ammeter. We also make Electrochemical Cell Kits and Test Electrodes. Since 1985 ACM has been offering a full service to Electrochemists round the world, all backed with our standard two year warranty.
See Application Notes for more information on AC Impedance, Cyclic Voltammetry, Current and Voltage Noise and LPR techniques plus many more.
See Downloads for instrumentation datasheets.
Recommended Instrumentation
- Gill AC
- Gill 6, Gill 8 or Gill 12
- Field Machine
- Bi-Stat
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